Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Adopt?

Ron and I have been talking about adopting for the past 3 years (pretty much ever since we met).  While dating, we had many conversations regarding our future, what we wanted out of life, and what we saw a future family.  Adoption was a commonality between both of us.  It was something that we shared and was a reassurance that we both wanted the same things in life.  Our wants for adopting began differently, but have molded to be the same.
Growing up in Asia, I saw first hand the effects of poverty, mal-nutrition and lack of health care has on the world's children.  When I was 15 and moved to China, I knew that I would adopt in the future after seeing the children there.  For some girls, there is a calling to be a mother, to be pregnant and give birth.  I have never been that way.  I have always wanted to be a mother, but have never envisioned being pregnant.  Instead, I knew that if someone gave me a child and said it was mine, I would love it unconditionally as mine.  Different people are called to do different things.  Adoption is one of my callings.  I don't feel the need to create life, but I feel a very strong need to save lives. 

Since high school, I have been drawn to children in the numerous countries I have visited.  My heart has been melted with their eyes and my heart has been warmed with their innocent smiles.  My devotion to adoption has increased with time.  When I was in college, I traveled to Africa with my family.  I fell in love with the continent, the people, and the wonderful cultures.  My experiences in Asia and Africa led me to believe that those were the locations I would adopt from.

Ron has always told me that he wanted to adopt.  When we first met, Ron envisioned adopting when he was older.  He said he felt the need to "save those that the world has lost."  Adoption was one of the many things that brought us together.  Since then, Ron and I have become even more excited about adoption and building our beautiful family.  We envision our family as one full of love, laughter and diverse cultures.  It will be one that represents the beauty of the world as we have experienced.

Last night, Ron and I were talking about the adoption process.  He stated, "You know, this will be the greatest thing that will ever happen to us.  We will be opening up our lives to new cultures and lives that otherwise we would not know.  It will enrich our lives in ways we cannot even imagine."  I completely agree!

We are not adopting because we are "more Christian" than others or feel a "higher need," as we have been told.  We are adopting because it is something that we feel in our hearts is the right path for us.  It is a path that will fulfill our lives and make us whole.  We feel that we have a gift to give orphaned children: an opportunity for a family, love, support, an education, freedom and healthcare.  It is a gift we are ever eager to share and give.

Ron and I understand that people will always question our want to adopt.  They will wonder, "Can you have your own children?"  "Why would you adopt when you can have your own?" "Will you ever have your own kids?" or "Why don't you just adopt a white baby from the US?" 

We realize that not everyone understands our want/need to adopt and that many people never will.  Adoption is our focus right now and our way of having children for the current time.  Our dearest family and friends have stood behind us along the way with their unwavering love and support, and they will continue to do so.  However, all that really matters is that for Ron and I, adoption means the world and is an amazing gift we can give two children: a boy from Ethiopia and a girl from Thailand.

The world currently has 157 million orphans, a STAGGERING number.  Ron and I are going to reduce that number by two and build a beautiful. multicultural American family the way we have always wanted!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that you could have said that any better. The decision that you and Ron have made is a beautiful one and a special one. There is so much need in the world for parents like you guys. I am so excited for you both and can't wait to read more as you get closer to parenthood. Again, Congratulations! There are two very special and lucky children who were already planned to be yours before you guys ever started this journey and soon they will be in your arms. Many prayers coming your way!
    - Andrea Neri
