Friday, July 6, 2012

Our HomeStudy

Our HomeStudy is complete!  Ron and I reviewed it today and approved the final draft!  Now it just needs to be reviewed by an adoption agency committee this coming week, copied, signed and notarized!  Then we're going to overnight this to USCIS to complete our I-600A form: Petition to Adopt an Orphan.   Once USCIS approves us, our Dossier will be authenticated, translated and FINALLY mailed to Ethiopia!  One less step to go, one more step done!

This is the first HomeStudy I have ever read, and I thought I would share it with you.  We took out any private, financial or secure information.  I know it's lengthy!  Keep in mind that the HomeStudy is written by our social worker to advocate for our adoption.  As such, she had to write an honest synopsis of Ron and I, but be our strong advocates.  It's obvious Thea wrote about our positive qualities, and ignored our bad (trust me, they exist)!  Feel free to skim over the summary of our lives!

I just wanted to share what the heck a HomeStudy was to those interested as I really had no clue until today!  So this is what we spent the last 2 months trying to have done!

P.S.  To those who wrote our letters of recommendation, THANK YOU!!!!!!  :)

 Loving a Child has no Boundaries”

Kelly and Ron Garberson are approved and recommended to adopt one male child aged 0 – 2 years old with minor correctible medical conditions from the country of Ethiopia.   They are a loving and generous couple with enthusiasm for life and a passion for children and adoption. They are devoted to integrating Ethiopian culture into their lives and will give their adopted child a life full of abundance and opportunity.  

And that's all, folks!  :)  I just hope the USCIS loves this recommendation and is fast to approve it!  Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!1

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